Corcoran Law Legal Fees
We are mindful that the cost of legal fees can be a substantial and often deciding factor in your consideration of whether or not to retain a lawyer. To ensure that you are able to obtain quality advice at minimal expense, Corcoran Law employs efficient and cost-saving mechanisms, and provides a range of feasible options to resolve your dispute.
If you require representation for a contested matter (you and your partner do not agree on the issues), you can retain the services of our office on an hourly basis. We will provide you detailed invoices which outline all of the time spent on your matter, preparing documents, attending meetings and court and for all correspondence. We charge on an hourly basis for the time spent to resolve your dispute.
If you require assistance with an uncontested matter (you and your partner agree on the issues), our office has options such as limited- scope retainers and flat fees. We note if the uncontested matter becomes contested, we will charge on an hourly basis, and you will be made aware of the same. See below the range of feasible options available to you to resolve your dispute:
Flat Fee Services
Corcoran Law provides affordable legal billing in the form of flat fee services* outlined below:
- Desk Divorce $3,000+
- Joint Divorce $3,000+
- Agreements $3,000+
Pre-nuptial / Post-nuptial
Real Estate
Contact Timothy J. Corcoran for your real estate matter at tim@corcoran.ca or call the office at 403-263-6000.
Other Services
- Independent Legal Advice (ILA) $1,500+
- One-day Mediation (with Gagan Sangha)
- Full day mediation (6 hours) – $1,000
- Half day mediation (3 hours) – $500
* GST & disbursements (court filing fees, process server, appraisals, etc.) are not included in the flat fee. Flat fees are subject to change without notice and may increase based on the complexity of the issue(s); additional charges will be discussed prior to incurring the same. A retainer equivalent to 1⁄2 of the fee will be required at the initial meeting, and the remainder of the fee will be required at the final meeting upon review and/or execution of documents. A retainer is an expression of trust, confidence, and commitment. For ILA, the full fee is required after initial document review.
† Payment of the full retainer will be required at the initial meeting. These ranges are applicable to uncontested matters only – matters wherein both parties are in agreement on how to proceed. Additional fees will be charged for contested matters on an hourly basis; you will be advised of said additional charges prior to incurring the same. The amount that you are charged within the range is contingent upon, among other factors, the complexity of issues and whether or not the matter deals with child, spousal, and/or property issues. The flat fee includes a one-hour initial meeting to review documents and gather details, drafting of document(s) agreed upon at the initial meeting, and one final one-hour meeting to review and/or execute the document(s). Additional fees will be charged for any negotiations, additional drafting, correspondence between parties, disclosure review, or other additional work. Solicitor reserves the right to increase the fee in complex matters.
‡ The flat fee includes a one-hour initial meeting to discuss your requested document(s) and gather details, drafting of document(s) agreed upon at the initial meeting, and one final one-hour meeting to review and execute the document(s).